Links Replacer
ShowMeLinks automatically transforms the desired links on your webpage into the affiliate links that can earn you profits.
Simply set the frequency and the subjects of each of the replacements, a visitor clicks your link, makes a purchase and you earn some money.
Phrase Replacer
Our Phrase Replacer tool will monitor all of the phrases on your webpage and will highlight any that could be used as a worthwhile affiliate link with a pop-up banner and some product information.
By configuring the settings, you can decide which sort of phrases the tool will highlight and which phrases it will ignore.

URL constructor
Do you often write in your blog about different products or services, comparing them and giving your opinions? Do you have readers that value your authoritative views and are likely to click through to that product or service?
Then through our URL constructor tool, you can create a personal link for your affiliate products and services, put them in your blogs and social media posts and make a nice little profit from any purchases!